When we come to lighting heroes there are few as worthy as this week’s lighting hero Ruth Kelly Waskett, for their contribution to lighting, contribution to research 6 learning, and moreover for their continued contribution to sharing knowledge and advocating for higher standards.
Technically Ruth is Dr. Ruth, but such is her humility that she is the most understated holder of a Ph.D. that we know, we had to go delving into her small print to ensure that we gave her fitting accolades.
Ruth is a master of daylighting, a strong advocate for improved quality of lighting for health and well-being & at the same time is as creative as any lighting designer we know. When you sit down & talk light with Ruth time just disappears, hanging out with her is like dipping your toes in a pool of calm lighting wisdom, she has an amazing quality of looking totally at ease at all times, so although in conversation with her, you have definitely used your brain, you come away totally relaxed. We can only describe a chat with Ruth as swimming in a pool of lighting chocolate!
Ruth is a past President of SLL – Society of Light and Lighting and as such has done more than most for the cause of lighting standards, whatever subject you talk to her about she is knowledgeable, you name it, sustainability, circular economy, the environment or any other; Ruth is sought after as a speaker & when she speaks we all flock to listen.
Ruth was a judge and mentor at the 1st Silhouette Awards, we know that she found this an enriching & mutually rewarding process, mentoring comes naturally to her as she supports, young lighters, her team, and just about anyone in lighting that needs assistance.
There is a common denominator in these lighting hero posts, that being the size of the heart as opposed to just lighting talent & in this regard, Ruth is of the highest order, she is charming, generous in her praise of others, great fun to hang out with & despite her knowledge and status in the industry amazingly humble. In our opinion it is best to be a person 1st and a lighting designer 2nd, we’re sure that Ruth agrees.
This is a truly inspirational woman in lighting with what she has achieved in lighting, research & education as well as career standing. You can only imagine how impressed we were upon realizing that Ruth is also a mum, wow, your organizational skills must be superb and we’ll certainly be coming to you for multi-tasking tips!
Ruth we have thoroughly enjoyed being in your company during Light Middle East, you are an unassuming lighting hero & we love you all the more for it. Ruth Kelly Waskett you are a lighting hero & we salute you.